Disneyland 2014

Disneyland 2014


Parker at Lego Land Christmas 2015

This is Parker and he is 10 years old. He is a typical boy in that he loves cars, nerf guns, super heroes and sports. He loves being outside digging in the dirt, making forts, swimming, playing with friends, creating art projects and his 'inventions' and riding his bike. One of his favorite things to do is play XBox with daddy, especially Minecraft! He doesn't love school, but he is an excellent student! Math is his best subject. He can be the sweetest thing, telling us we are the best and that he loves us and giving spontaneous hugs and kisses. He always wants us to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star three times every night when we tuck him in. He is excited to have a younger sibling to play with and teach them everything he knows!