Disneyland 2014

Disneyland 2014

Parker's Adoption Story

First Family Photo
After struggling with infertility for several years, we came to the decision that adoption was the right path for us to start our family. We applied through LDS Family Services and received our approval letter on Christmas Eve! We were so excited and after two years of searching for our baby, a family friend told Bryan’s parents of her nephew and girlfriend looking for a family to adopt their baby boy. We gave them our online profile information and a few days later we were told that they had chosen us! The same day they chose us, Parker’s birthmom went into the hospital with some complications. That is where we first met his birthparents. It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. He was born a week and a half later (eight weeks early) and spent the next 40 days in the NICU. Though this presented some challenges, we knew that all would turn out well and we were able to bring him home as soon as he was ready. We have always enjoyed an open relationship with both of Parker’s birthparents and have kept in regular contact via e-mail, pictures, and visits. He knows who they are and knows that they love him, which we feel is important for him.